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Hello readers,

Team Shweta Rathore is here with a new read for all of you! Emphasising on multiple benefits of staying fit and leading a healthy lifestyle, we bring to you another interesting topic, i.e., the impact of mental health on physical health.

Interconnection between mental health and physical health

Despite the common perception of the mind and body as distinct entities, there exists a significant connection between mental and physical health. The state of your mental well-being can significantly impact your physical well-being, with positive mental health exerting a beneficial influence and poor mental health having detrimental effects on one’s health.

So, how are mental health and physical health connected with each other?

The influence of mental health on overall well-being cannot be undermined. Maintaining a positive mental state can contribute to good health and serve as a preventive measure against severe health issues. Research has shown that experiencing positive psychological well-being can decrease the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes. Conversely, when mental health is compromised, it can lead to adverse consequences for physical health and give rise to harmful behaviours.

Some of the most common mental illnesses like stress, emotional distress, anxiety and depression which has a direct impact on physical health and cause multiple physical health problems like high blood pressure, obesity, gastrointestinal issues, coronary heart diseases and diabetes among others.

While mental health and physical health are closely connected, having mental health issues does not always necessarily mean that you will develop physical health issues. In fact, meditation, yoga, exercising and a proper sleep schedule can help you in staying fit, both mentally and physically.

How does mental health affect physical health?

Let us have a look at some of the most common physical health problems caused due to poor mental health: –

  • Poor gut and gastrointestinal health

The brain and mental health are deeply connected to intestines. This is the reason that the though of eating or hunger secretes a juice in the stomach before you feed yourself. Hence, the terms “gut-wrenching”, “feeling bloated”, “gassy”, “butterflies” and “nauseous” are repeatedly used commonly. It is very important to feel good mentally because the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to emotion. Feelings of anxiety, anger, and sadness can trigger symptoms in the gut.

  • Weaker Heart Health

Various factors and lifestyle habits contribute to the vulnerability of your heart’s health, encompassing a range of factors that heighten the risk of developing diseases. These factors include elevated blood pressure, heightened and sustained heart rate, and the accumulation of calcium. Readers must particularly note that mental health has the potential to influence all of these risk factors.

For instance, during periods of stress, the body releases cortisol, a hormone that is known to trigger an elevation in blood pressure and heart rate. Over time, persistent high levels of stress, chronic depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can elevate the likelihood of developing heart disease.

  • Premature Death

Mental health has a major impact on the body as a whole and poor mental health can consequently lead to a weaker immune system along with chronic health conditions like asthma, dementia, arthritis and diabetes to name a few. Thus, with our hectic lifestyle, it has become very important to take care of our mental health so that our body stays free of diseases and disorders.

  • Lower Dopamine

Individuals experiencing depression typically exhibit reduced levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in generating positive sensations within the brain.

Cigarettes, containing nicotine, can stimulate the release of dopamine, leading some individuals to utilize smoking as a means to alleviate symptoms associated with depression. Hence, it is very essential to quit smoking as dopamine is of great importance to one’s mental and physical health.

What can I do to keep my mental health in check?

  • Meditate daily to practice mindfulness as it will consequently lead to better physical and psychological symptoms;
  • Maintain a healthy weight to lower your risk of wide range of diseases like rising cholesterol, blood pressure problems and risk of heart diseases;
  • Prioritise physical activities as they are known to increase endorphin levels and help you in building muscle strength and good mental well-being;
  • Stay happy and practice optimism to increase the feeling of contentment in life and lead a peaceful life;
  • Poor mental health is not a taboo anymore! See your therapist or medical consultant today if you feel something about your health is not going the desired manner.

Reach out for help

If you are worried about your mental and physical health, you must get in touch with your medical consultant and fitness trainer simultaneously. Additionally, include physical activity, regular sleep schedule, and a balanced diet with appropriate amounts of proteins, essential fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins to maintain a good health.

Routine checking and screening are of prime importance as it can help in identifying health problems and prevent your health from deteriorating further. Thus, do not skip your regular check-ups and doctor visits.

Stay fit with me. Stay healthy, stay happy!

More power and love from my end.


Shweta Rathore