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Hello readers,

Hope you are keeping fit and staying healthy.

Our key theme for the day is meditation. Meditation gives us the opportunity to pause, breathe and find inner peace. While stopping for a while does not come easily to everyone, it is of absolute importance to stop for some time, breathe peacefully and observe the multitude of benefits that meditation offers.

Today, we are going to discuss about the various advantages of benefits meditation and how it is a simple way for us to stop for some time and be calm.

How meditation helps in daily life?

Meditation is a practice that involves training your mind and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. It is a prevalent technique often used as a technique for relaxation and stress reduction.

Meditation has been linked to various physical health benefits, including reduced blood pressure, improved immune function, and pain management. It can also help in reducing inflammation in the body. Also, meditation has a deep impact on mental health. It is often used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, stress disorders, and depression. It promotes emotional regulation and enhances psychological well-being.

Practising meditation in your daily routine can have a profound impact on your life. Meditation is a proven technique that can help you manage stress, improve mental clarity, enhance emotional well-being, and promote better overall health. When one starts making meditation a habit, they are likely to experience increased inner peace and personal growth with greater ease.

Meditation can take various forms, but the most common types include mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and transcendental meditation, among others. Each type has its own benefits and leads to many physical, emotional and mental benefits.

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation predominantly serves as a means of relaxation and stress alleviation. It induces deep relaxation and cultivates mental serenity by training the mind to focus and guide thoughts.

The popularity of meditation is on the rise as more individuals uncover its multifaceted health advantages. It leads to more self-awareness and acceptance of one’s surroundings, commonly as a stress-reduction and concentration-enhancing tool.

Furthermore, people utilize meditation to foster constructive behaviours and emotions. This encompasses cultivating a positive disposition, strengthening self-control, improving sleep patterns, and enhanced physical and mental well-being.

Here are some benefits of meditation that people experience through regular practice: –

  • Lower stress levels
  • Connecting with self
  • Releasing physical tension
  • Reducing negative thoughts
  • Emotional well-being
  • Improved self-awareness
  • Better sleep quality and reducing insomnia
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Deeper relaxation
  • Less anxiety
  • Lowering resting heart rate
  • Lowering resting blood pressure

How to get started with meditation?

  • Set aside some time and find a peaceful place

Meditation works best when you do it regularly. So, pick an ideal spot in your house or garden where you can focus on your inner self and practice at a regular time.

Choose a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be easily distracted and practice meditation for 10 minutes everyday initially. If possible, it is advisable to meditate in the morning, before you start your day and, in the evening, before you go to bed.

  • Focus on Your Breath

Once you select your place, sit in a comfortable posture. You can choose a cushion to keep behind you or sit on a comfortable chair. Now, close your eyes and start by taking deep and slow breaths. Concentrate on the sensation and number of your breaths as you inhale and exhale. Do not make an effort to control your breath, let it flow naturally.

  • Notice your body

As you breathe, focus on the movement of your body. See how your shoulders, stomach, rib cage and chest move. Remember that you do not have to control your breath’s intensity and just focus on your breath.

  • Practice Mindfulness

When you sit to meditate, pay attention to your thoughts. Your mind may wander and thoughts will linger on your mind but try not to get attached to them.

  • Maintain a regular practice

In the beginning, you can start meditation for a few minutes and then increase the periods, as per your personal capacity and time. Regular meditation can lead to liberation of the mind from attachment to things and avoid external circumstances beyond one’s control.

Practice these steps on a regular basis and you will gradually master the art of meditation. You can surely experience a more relaxed day, control over your emotions and increased concentration with regular mediation, apart from various health benefits.

With meditation, you can enter into a world that is full of more concentration, gratefulness, mindfulness and inner joy. So, stay motivated and keep going!

Try to build regular meditation into your daily routine and see a remarkable difference in your overall health. Connect with me for to learn meditation techniques and personal growth.

More power and love from my end.


Shweta Rathore